
HOURS: * 30 hours per week. To be responsible for undertaking a wide range of reception duties and the provision of general support to the multidisciplinary…

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DITG Course Administrator Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Central Bedfordshire
DITG Course Administrator

MOD - Strategic Command - Defence Intelligence Training Group - Training Delivery Authority. Flexible working, Full-time, Job share, Part-time.

Distribution Security Officer £9.52 per hr 4 on 4 off Days/Nights Pattern Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Central Bedfordshire
Distribution Security Officer £9.52 per hr 4 on 4 off Days/Nights Pattern

To monitor the site fire, intruder and CCTV systems where appropriate. Health and safety awareness and knowledge. Capability in the use of technology.

Maintenance Officer Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Central Bedfordshire
Maintenance Officer

The Maintenance Officer is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of all buildings, equipment, fire safety and legionella control.