Post Doctoral open position in chemical reaction for thermal energy storage

The Thermal Energy Storage area at CIC energiGUNE is seeking for a Postdoctoral researcher to join the group of solid-state chemical reactions. The project will focus on the development of chemical reactions for thermal energy storage.The storage of heat through reversible chemical reactions is a very promising research field due to the possibility to store great amount of thermal energy in form of chemical energy. This project will explore selected chemical reactions (simple and complex) in a range of temperature few explored so far (100 - 250 °C). The materials used as possible reactants can be oxides, metals and metal alloys with water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide as reacting gases. The research work will follow different approaches to achieve the most efficient reacting behaviour improving the thermodynamic (atomic substitution), kinetic (catalyst addition) and heat transfer properties (hybrid materials).The systems studied will also be tested in specially designed laboratory scale prototypes (CIC energiGUNE facilities) to determine the reactivity at a more relevant scale (grams).The candidate will have the chance to work in a multidisciplinary environment composed by Chemists, Physicists and Engineers having the possibility to extend his/her knowledge approaching the research under different points of view.Offer Requirements