Internal Sales

Builder Merchants, Construction Sales, Building supplies, brick, blocks, heavyside, timber, insulation, fire protection, commercial interiors, drylining,…

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Senior School Receptionist Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Wandsworth
Senior School Receptionist

Child protection screening appropriate to the post,. Ensure the fire registers; student and staff are. Thank you for your interest in Putney High School.

Sprinkler Fitter Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Wandsworth
Sprinkler Fitter

Your responsibility will be to make sure all fire-protection systems are working well and pass every fire inspection.

Nuclear Medicine Technologist/Radiographer Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Wandsworth
Nuclear Medicine Technologist/Radiographer

Attend fire lectures and fire drills in accordance with the law and to be fully aware of the position of fire alarms, emergency equipment and exits.