Health and Social Care Reablement Assistant

Livewell Southwest is seeking to recruit new to or returning to care personnel for an Innovative Health and Social Care Reablement Assistant post (HCRA) working…

£18,546 - £19,918 a year
1 vacante
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Health and Social Care Reablement Assistant Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Plymouth
Health and Social Care Reablement Assistant

Livewell Southwest is seeking to recruit new to or returning to care personnel for an Innovative Health and Social Care Reablement Assistant post (HCRA) working…

Early Years Practitioner Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Plymouth
Early Years Practitioner

Be fully aware of and follow all child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures. _30 Hours a week (Between 7.45-6.00) _*.

Business Administration Level 3 Apprenticeship Employee - Fire protection tradesperosn in Plymouth
Business Administration Level 3 Apprenticeship

The laws and regulations that apply to your role including data protection, health & safety, compliance etc. Monday-Friday 9am-5pm with 30 minutes lunch.