Call BCAM Ikerbasque Group Leader

Complete the following questionnaire for - IC2021_01_Group Leader Position in Advanced Mathematical Modelling Applied To Health The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), together with IKERBASQUE invites applications for one Group Leader position in Mathematical Modelling Applied to health. This Group Leader call offers a permanent research position for a Group Leader willing to develop a long-term scientific career in the Basque Country. This call is open to both:• young group leaders• senior experienced group leaders.The evaluation committee will consider the strongest candidates with excellent leadership capabilities and an outstanding research record. The selected candidate is expected to perform independent research and coordinate the activities the center is performing in mathematical modelling applied to health in collaboration with Basque health institutions with the support of the Basque Government under a specific project. This is an ambitious project with research focused on applied mathematics, addressing fundamental questions in public health epidemiology (including surveillance), health system management and personalised medicine. The project covers research areas from Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to Mathematical Biology or Epidemiology and Biofluid Dynamics (of infectious diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19).Candidates are required to be able to develop not only methodological research but also multidisciplinary applications in collaboration with research centers, health institutions, hospitals…The candidate should be capable of promoting international collaborations, attracting competitive funding and establishing his/her own research groups.Contact:
