Check fire and/or security alarms are working satisfactorily. Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, health, safety,…
Pasture to Plate project Senior Post-Doctorate Research Assistant - Social Science (fixed term up to 36 months)*. Fixed Term - Up to 36 months.
If you work a non standard work pattern your leave entitlement may be expressed in either hours or days as appropriate. Procurement of Goods for unit.
Complete monitoring returns for area of work. Co-ordinate any awareness sessions for area of work. Organise, produce and maintain accurate records for area of…
Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) CASE Studentship - Minimising food loss and waste through breeding - Uncovering the physiological…
This is a non-operational role with no line management responsibilities. Track the progress of prisoners with neurodiversity in education, learning and work …
If you work a non standard work pattern your leave entitlement may be expressed in either hours or days as appropriate. The holiday year runs from 1 March.
Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) CASE Studentship - The role of the rumen microbiome in improving nitrogen use efficiency and…
Responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the plant on a 24 hour shift rotation. Your duties will include Start up, Shut down, and monitoring the safe…
Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) PhD*. 23.59 hours BST on Sunday 17 July 2022.