Work on your own terms to achieve the work-life balance you need?.Our Work from home jobs are perfect for anyone looking to work part time or full time.Work in the mornings, afternoons, evenings or weekends.Suitable for candidates from all backgrounds, no experience is required a...
The applicant will have a good knowledge of garden plants with the ability to tell the different types of plants (e.g. What is a herbaceous perennial).
What are you going to do: Realize your potential with a virtual internship programme. This is a flexible opportunity to fit your schedule. You choose: Between 10, 20, 30 or 40 hours of remote internship per week The duration of your internship – from 4 to 24 weeks The sta...
Salary negotiable depending on experience and skill. Boat & Yacht Building, Fixture and Fitting or Assembly-line experience essential.
Duties will include general caretaking such as DIY and decorating, as well as compliance and safety checks on equipment and systems within both properties.
All tools and equipment are provided. The position, Stone Processor, is one of a physical nature and applicant should be able to maneuver stone and tools in a…
Maintenance of tools and equipment according to company practice. A mechanical engineering and manufacturing background will be advantageous as well as a hands…