We provide trusted technical services to the UK Ministry of Defence and the Department of Defence; Our employees make the critical difference to customers by…
Possess strong verbal and written communication skills and work well in a team environment. The LM RMS IS business, a leading provider of systems engineering,…
Portfolio Management is part of Scottish and Southern Electricity Network’s Asset Management directorate. SSE Power Distribution, part of the SSE group, owns…
Are you passionate about Digital Marketing with experience with setting up new marketing strategies that focus on marketing technologies?
To pro-actively monitor and manage all vehicles off road (VOR) as well as having close regular dialogue with garages so that each vehicle is repaired and…
Wipe marks off walls, including blue tac. Mayville High School is looking for an experienced, flexible person to work with a small team to clean all areas of…
Established since 1983 they have an excellent reputation within the industry and our highly trained staff deal with a wide range of alarm systems, covering…
The role requires great coordination, machinery operating experience, attention to detail, hand tools experience, health and safety awareness and a willingness…
(No gas, water or electric). Kitchen Site Services Ltd, based in Southampton are looking for experienced site kitchen fitters for dry fits in new build…
Specific responsibilities will include maintaining outside landscaping, painting and varnishing, maintaining parking facilities and completion of non-electrical…