Each room contains a television point, nurse call system, telephone point, fire detection, bed, wardrobe, arm chair, chest of drawers, central heating with…
As well as this our managers are great at keeping a close eye on things like; wage controls, waste controls, training and customer service standards.
Salary: £25,000 – £35,000 per year depending on experience. Our primary products include Impact CAD, a cutting-edge packaging and manufacturing tool design…
He enjoys taking a long daily walk and drive in the afternoons and when possible, spend time in the mornings spectating road construction companies lining roads…
All employees will sign that they have read and understood all policies and procedures. Hours per week *37.5 hours per week. Job Types: Full-time, Part-time.
To build a trusting relationship to help alleviate or break social isolation and increase capacity. Hours of work: *22.5 hours per week to be worked flexibly.
Hours are 7am-11am (potentially flexible) and the role is due to start from 1st July. Please either apply online or ring 0161 989 4450.
As a member of the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, you will adopt the philosophy of the service and provide flexible, responsive, proactive and…
Due to location of the home we offer up to £120 per month travel allowance. Ensure that the following are carried out at appropriate intervals in all areas of…
Maintaining gardens and general upkeep of the building. Hours: * 37.5 hours per week. Decorating bedrooms/shared areas/corridors such as painting/wallpapering…